Thursday, September 9, 2010

Labor Day

Had a three-day weekend. Figured why the hell not - and went home to the city by the Bay.

Pics are a work in progress - but i felt like posting something...ANYTHING. [I'll update again when finished.]

And, yes, with the exception of the first pic, these are all cropped to either a 2.35:1 or 1.85:1 format. Ima film nerd - what did you expect - get over it.

"layers upon layers"
36mm | iso 100 | f36.0 | 1/13

18mm | iso 400 | f13.0 | 1/320

"where's jenny?"
48mm | iso 400 | f13.0 | 1/250

"future residence"
135mm | iso 200 | f13.0 | 1/160

"stomach ache"
112mm | iso 400 | f13.0 | 1/320