Friday, October 15, 2010

Quote of the Week

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes - for the path to glory is littered with f*ckups."*

couldn't say it any better.

you know things are going well when the execs at the office are going out of their way to talk to you about how impressed they are with your script coverage [literally coming over to shake my hand and compliment my wordage, verbage and general nonsense] - but at the end of the day that doesn't mean anything.

accolades are meaningless, only results. and the only way to get results is to never be satisfied. and make mistakes.

so why stay content with being good when the prospects of being great looms. time to get back to work, stay focused and keep improving.

song of the day: [in ANAMORPHIC no less. ummm, YES]

* just make sure you learn from them.