what the hell am I doing here -- or a summer night’s tribute to nihilistic fantasies and bemusements of real-life mis-adventure. (aka) some random musings for the Holiday Weekend:
In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson lists three rights to which all citizens of United States are privy to -- but truthfully the one I’m most interested in is the third – and the second I take for granted.
In 2008 I started my journey and in the 3 ½ years since, I’ve learned more than I ever could have imagined – equating those experiences (especially in the past 18-months) to drinking through a fire hose.
Since arriving in Los Angeles, I’ve been blessed with every opportunity that’s come my way. I’ve met some amazing people, and this whole pursuit of happiness thing (at times) seems remotely possible.
However, I’ve also had to overcome my share of adversity. There have been more than a few moments when I could have quit – but quitting is not an option (at least for me). Consequences be damned.
In the past few months, I’ve started to realize the talent that others have told me I possess – but knowing you’re talented does not account for output or production…and being told you’re talented is one thing, harnessing it is another.
With the family reunion in Oregon looming, I find myself thinking about the life-altering choices I’ve made. While I would do things differently, I regret nothing. Everything happens for a reason, whether we chose to believe this or not.
I trust in my passion, I believe in my talent. While I continue to surround myself with likeminded people – the real struggle is creating that platform to showcase our work.
Surrounding yourself with the right people is never more prevalent – but not just in film. While the personal front leaves much to be desired, everything else is rapidly coming together. Whether we’ll succeed is to be seen – but at least we’re in this fight together – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The next few months will be interesting. Changes are looming and projects are queued. I’m ready to transcend my peer group and push the envelope as far as what I’m capable of. Failure is not an option.
Tomorrow marks Our country's Day of Independence. And whether we chose to acknowledge it or not - the third right which Mr. Jefferson references (aka The American Dream) is only possible because of those who have given us the opportunity to chase after it. To those who have come before us, with us and after us - who have fought for stood for and embody the American Spirit. Thank you.