Saturday, March 15, 2008

Delta II Rocket Launch

So my camera died on me on Tuesday morning just before the Space Shuttle Endeavour launched - and for lack of a better word it was AMAZING!!! Talk about seeing something out of this world.

The only way I can sum up what I saw was the equivalent of an enormous bomb exploding on the horizon and lighting up everything as if it were an early morning sunrise. Anyway, I thought I'd post these pics, courtesy of NASA to show you what I saw...kind of, haha...

As for this video...this was taken on Saturday morning at around 2:10 AM when there was a Delta II rocket launch. The rocket was placing a new GPS Satellite into Earth's orbit and it was much more violent and intense than the Shuttle Launch. Btw, we were less than 3 miles (!?!?!) from the launch platform too!!! Enjoy!

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