Monday, July 6, 2009

The List. Looking Ahead.

When I moved to Florida I initially created a list of goals that would determine what I defined as 'success' in my time at Full Sail. With the completion of our final project last month, I realized that I had accomplished all of those goals. As a result, it was time to update this list with a new look. It includes a list of goals for the next 6-months, 1-year and (my favorite) 5-years, and includes a format that can be changed for an optional outlook.

For instance, what is success determined by? For all of us it is something entirely different. For some it would be characterized by going to any restaurant in the world and not having to care what the price is. For others, it's being able to decided to begin production on any movie or idea that pleases them...if only because they want to make it.

For myself, I have thought about it a lot. But I think my overall definition of success is: having the ability to drop everything at a moments notice and fly to the other side of the world for no good reason. Now this might sound ludicrous, but look at it a little deeper. I am have no ties to a relationship or other commitment, I don't have a family of my own and I don't have any commitment to work strictly within the US boarders. So what this means to me is (a) I can fly from the other side of the world to visit my parents and/or sister's family at a moment's notice (b) if I can travel that freely and nonchalantly, then I surely would have enough money to pay off all of my loans and (c) if I'm invited to be working on the other side of the world then surely I must be doing something right in this industry.

However, keep in mind though this definition is subject to change as my life and career continue to evolve and change. But for now, this is what I will set my bar for success at.

Now if any of this has sparked your interest, how would you characterize your idea of 'success'?

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