Saturday, March 5, 2011

the wall.

can i ask - what the hell is it about the proverbial 'wall'? it's out there, staring at us. taunting, waiting, drooling for the opportune moment to snarl us with it's gangrenous claws to choke the life out of us...

as mental exhaustion segued by waning spirits pushes me further from who i am, i find myself forced to make a decision. to either wilt, take the easy route and crumble under a maelstrom of trivialities, or...

shut up, fight back and force life to change my luck. too long have i been bitching. too long have i been complaining about what i don't have. and too long have i allowed myself to believe i am a victim because life hasn't worked out the way it was intended...

i'm tired. i'm over-extended. i'm not getting any younger. i'm sick of allowing life to push me around, dictating the flow when i have the ultimate say. i'm tired of being 'too tired' all the time as i rest and wallow in my comfort zone, waiting. (waiting for what?)

that 'wall' is coming, as my patience dwindles. eff it. how i let my attitude affect me will ultimately decide the outcome. what the result will be is anyone's guess, but this comfort zone needs to go.

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